Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Nothin much....
Just a tad sick, spending the day feeling like I can fall over at any moment, playing my viola out of tune and tuning out of the most important lessons in math and history. Turns out, though, that I can still draw, which is good, because otherwise I have nothing to do.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Oh jeez...
To show how terrrible at typing, I shall not use the backspace vutton or thkjrekl at all... Jeez, I've failde already... S i AM TERRIVLEBle at being not awkward. I am probably one of the most socially wakward XD prenguins atilejr;l in the whold wide world... I SWEAR i have good spelling!!1 I just can't type properly!!! :| Thwe
I'm so awkward, I can't word anything properly whenever I'm talking to anyone. And then they give me weird looks, which I don' t like because then I get really paranoid parrot-y and then I think that they hate me. Not that no one does... OMG I DIDN'T HAVE YOKLTJ TO IOUSE THE BACKSPACE BUTTOM FOR THAT PARAGRAPH. I've ogone back to failing again. :|
I'm so awkward, I can't word anything properly whenever I'm talking to anyone. And then they give me weird looks, which I don' t like because then I get really paranoid parrot-y and then I think that they hate me. Not that no one does... OMG I DIDN'T HAVE YOKLTJ TO IOUSE THE BACKSPACE BUTTOM FOR THAT PARAGRAPH. I've ogone back to failing again. :|
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I didn't realize that parties could be this terrible
Today, my class and another class had to throw a party for this other class. I had signed up to bring cookies, and did so. When we got started, the class that the party was being thrown for was served first. Then us. By the time I had gotten the food, I had three minutes to eat it. Which was good, because there weren't too many good choices. And then, I had to sit with my friend, who was sitting with two other girls who despise me. After that, we had lunch. I sat with the same people. But I went to ask my other friend, Coral, if one of the girls actually hated me. She then proceeded to tell me that my friend (the one at the party) told her to hate me. I thought she was okay... Until now.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The many fails of today...
Today, we presented our skits for Spanish. I'm sort of new in this subject, because the last time I learned Spanish, I was in first grade.
Monday, November 14, 2011
I made a pie!
For no reason! I kind of screwed it up, but it turned out okay. So here's what happened. So the first step was to mix together the pumpkin and the spices. Well, I didn't see that it needed a 15-ounce can of pumpkin, so I dumped almost the whole 29-ounce can that I had before I noticed the 15-ounce part. So I scooped some back in to the can and hoped it was okay. The next few steps went okay. The recipe needed two whole eggs and one egg yolk, so for some reason, I kept the extra egg white with me. Then, I had poured a whole can of evaporated milk in to my mixture when the recipe called 1/2 a cup. Oops. So I dumped the egg white in there and hoped it was okay.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Nothing happens to me
Well, I was doing something.. On the internets.. And I saw this.
*Facepalm* How.... Ever.... Type???
Anyways, I really dislike my history teacher. I'm pretty sure I'm his least favorite student. Ever. Same with my english teacher. D:
Am I such a paranoid parrot, or do I just over-analyze people in a super pessimistic fashion? I really like pie...
![]() |
No, I didn't get this off of some website. This is my own picture thingy. |
Anyways, I really dislike my history teacher. I'm pretty sure I'm his least favorite student. Ever. Same with my english teacher. D:
Am I such a paranoid parrot, or do I just over-analyze people in a super pessimistic fashion? I really like pie...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
A new rage comic!
Did you know that I had to write this post twice because my dad shut off the internet??? Ugh. I'm not even going to bother writing down the events of the past week... Sigh. I hate glasses. They're like... magnets for dirt and oil. NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU CLEAN THEM.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Drawing :D
My dear friend LemmingAid had one post where she talked about how she get's all irritable when she doesn't take her morning pill (FOR ADD). What's been bothering me about it is the last picture, where she snaps the pencil in half. Well, I fixed it. ^o^
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I play the viola in orchestra. Now, since I am the only 9th grader, I have to be the section leader.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
You know those things on Facebook...
You're cool?! The girl you just called fat?... She is overdosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly?... She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped?... He is abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars?... He fought for his country. That girl you just made fun of for being pregnant?... She was raped. That guy you just made fun of for crying?.. . His mother is dying. Put this as you're status if you're against bullying. I bet 95% of you wont re-post, but I'm sure the people with heart and backbone will !So, some of these can be incorrect. Maybe that is true, they have a legitimate problem. And some of these aren't even reasonable things to make fun of others for. You can silently judge people (It might just make you rotten on the inside.) But girls can get pregnant without getting raped. Guys can get fat without having a medical condition.
Some people who repost this are hypocrites. They're people who ignore others because they aren't attractive enough or thin enough.
Depressed rant...
Today, I am sad. I don't know why. Well, I guess I do. But that's a secret only one person knows. But she doesn't know why I am sad.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Lip-biting fury
I am so stressed. I don't even know why. Maybe it's the fact that I can't get my event cards for my board game to print properly. Or maybe it's the fact that I feel incredibly inferior and blah.. Maybe I'm too dumb for honors classes. I wanna cry. Anyways, I'm not going to NY. And APPARENTLY it is not snowing there.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Humans: Part Two
Human emotion is a strange thing. They can fluctuate quickly in a short amount of time. They can control your mind and your decisions. They affect the way you treat others.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Humans are terrible. Do you know why? Because the have desires (I know I sound like a total buddhist right now).
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo, where I have to write a whole novel in November (Which, to all you social recluses, is this month.) Since Julia isn't replying to my text, I decided to write a story incuding her and Mimi as a character. I might also include some other people I know, but I've only just started.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Haunted house and a rage comic!
Last Saturday, I went to a haunted house with some other peeps (You remember Julia?) . It was a Beaver Lake and wasn't really a house... More like a long trail with people scaring you while you walk.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Things that make me feel like a socially awkward penguin
- Responding to someone who called for someone else who has the same name as me
- Responding to someone who called for someone else who doesn't have the same name as me
- Asking too many questions
- Being at my mom's parties
- Being at anyone's parties
Monday, October 24, 2011
Things/people/occurances that irk me
- Badminton nets that have a corner stuck up.. How else would I say that??
- When I can't find the right words for something
- Dumb people
- Worrying about whether people think I'm annoying or not...
- Baking disasters
- When my mom doesn't do the laundry
- When people laugh loudly for no reason
- When people speak French right in front of me.... Makes me jelly
- People pressuring me to listen to a song even though my computer doesn't work half the time
- When my mom starts to lecture me
- When people won't answer their phones at an important time
- My mom
- Thinking about my snake
- Dead conversations
- People who mess with my brain
- Parasprites who have never even seen the show
- My sister
- Worrying that people think I'm annoying
- Forgetting things
- Being late
AND SHE WON'T LET ME GO TO MY DAD'S HOUSE!!!! That is all. Now: A random picture after the jump :D
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Another day wasted...
My birthday party was yesterday and it was a sleepover. I don't know if it went well or not, I thought it was okay. But this morning, Eliza and I watched the new MLP episode and went on Reddit. Now I'm procrastinating and that's not too good... My mom's been making me angry recently. She seriously talks like the girl I babysit. >.>
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Today is my Birthday!!!
Yay! My locker was beautiful for the first time ever... :D And I got some pretty awesome presents... Thank you Julia and Mimi!!! It's too bad LemmingAid was gone from school today... That kinda sucked, especially because she was sick. I really hope she feels better. Anyways, I won against Inglewood! They were... Bad. And our NUMBER ONE SINGLES PLAYER skipped the game because she had PIANO LESSONS. >:( But I got an awesome card from Mimi so it's okay.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Le Pumpkin Patch!
Today, I went to the pumpkin patch with my dear friend LemmingAid. If you click on her name, it brings you to her blog (Which will be totally awesome, I promise you). I found out that there is no comfortable way to hold a pumpkin. And that it is very difficult to control a wheelbarrow on smooth land. We saw a Sadie goat that had a potbelly and gray-ish hair. Sadie is my wirehaired dachshund who is obsessed with me. ANYWAYS, we got two pumpkins that were perfect for carving rage faces on to and four gourds LemmingAid will dry and gut. I washed the pumpkins because I felt that if we were to stick a knife in to them and scoop out their guts, we better be nice to them.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I got knocked down...
For the second time this year! Am I really that insignificant? I EXIST, PEOPLE. NOT TO BE PUSHED AROUND, BUT TO BE NOTICED.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I should just shut my mouth forever and ever because everything that I say, people take the wrong way. I never intend to cause any disrespect or harm to ANYONE. I am not as arrogant as some douches. Also, Steve Jobs never saved anyone's life. He only created a product that is very popular in modern culture. I don't hate iPods, or iPhones. I have nothing against that. But they're not my favorite thing in the world, either.
I have guitar teeth!
No, really. I got rubber bands on my braces and when I pluck them it makes a sound. :D I should make a meme out of this... Not now, cus I've got 3 essays due and a letter.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Especially History. OMFG history. The teacher picks favorites and completely ignores everyone else. Which kinda sucks, because some of us are struggling or want attention, not listen to the annoying girl with the nasal, clogged-up-nose voice that makes me want to scream.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Weird things I do
- I follow every sneeze with "On nom nom nom ".
- I tend to forget things like homework, but I can remember random number sequences.
- No matter what I say, there is a less confusing way to word it.
- I'm addicted to My Little Pony.
- I like to read scary things, but not watch them.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Oh, how I wish I was British!
Being French would be nice too... I'm not being racist, it's just that when you're Taiwanese, you mainly get to experience Taiwanese culture. British food isn't the best... But I love England. AND FRENCH FOOD IS THE BEST OF ALL. The language also sounds really awesome.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Moar rants!!
I never knew the reason for not running in the hallways until last friday. I was walking back to my locker after 6th period when some giant person came skipping down the hallways in to my shoulder. It sounds like I 'm being a wimp, but it actually really hurts. In 7th grade, he kept stepping on my feet when he weighs like 183147284923 pounds.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I had a request from a reader to explain what a meme was on my blog. Well, she was more like someone who was too lazy to look it up on her own time.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
No varsity :(
Yep.... But I've got a kick-a** partner and together we will make it to varsity. YEAH! This page is loading really slowly. I will entertain you with a picture... after the jump.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Why is my most depressed rant also my most popular one??? WHY??? Does my depressed rant AMUSE YOU SICK, HORRIBLE PEOPLE? (Sorry, I'm not angry at you or anything) (or depressed)
Yesterday, I went (with a friend) to a safe haven for a volunteering orientation. I really loved seeing all the animals and how big the property was. There was a doggie who was hit by a car in Cali and had to get her back legs amputated.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Gragh, badminton
If any of you are in badminton who read this blahg of mine, you would see that I was drowning in tears today. Partially because I was stressed, and partially because I lost every single game I played. I really really want to be in varsity, but it seems like that won't happen at this rate.I REALLY WANT TO BE ON VARSITY. THESE SEVVIES ARE MAKING ME CRAZY. ARGH. BLARGH BALRGH BLATGH. I'm going mentally strange XD.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Rarbowie Flightack
See what I did there? XD. 300 pageviews in 2 months? Not bad. I'm so excited!!! I really want to do my best this year in everything. So that means like regular classes and orchestra and sports and things like that... Be good at ALL the things! I'm thinking about starting a question thingy where I ask a question and you comment the answer... How about this: What would you like to have your last meal be?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Okay day...
Woke up really tired and had to drag my 50 lb. viola case to school. School is getting worse now. We need 10 binders for all our periods. I guess that's what I get for being in honors. But I'm on the next step to getting in to varsity :D :D :D Tryin' out for singles, I'm really excited. I really miss the 9th graders (well, I guess they would be in 10th now...) I played in front of a lot of people for this thingy in orchestra for the young, soon-to-be orchy dorks. I saw one when I went to rent my viola today. And since this has been a boring post, I shall now give you some random memes after the break:
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Got my privileges back!
yeah, I got my internet taken away for reasons I don't want to say because (OMG, when I press the up and down keys the typing thingy goes to the beginning or end. Sorry.) (And I got interrupted again to go say hi to my neighbors) I don't want to think about it again. It was really bad. But at least this time I didn't get bored cus of SCHOOL STARTING and everything. I got my little viola people!!! They're pretty awesome (but some of them kinda suck). I really need to learn their names. And there's also that thing at my elementary school where I get to play for new orchy dorks and their parents :D :D :D So I'm kinda excited.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Oh wow
Over 200 pageviews already? And school in 2 days?? .O. <----- An upside down surprised face... Because the shock was so shocking, I flipped over)
Amanda came back for the weekend. :D It's really gonna suck going to school without her, but she'll come back occaisionally, and on one of those days, I'll give her her Sounder's cake. :D And I'll post a picture. We went to RTC with Eliza and Divya and tried on a bunch of over-priced but beautiful prom dresses.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
New pics
I finally uploaded my pictures from London/ Paris from May... Took a long time... I also got my pics from Sakura Con.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I am no good with titles.
So... Woke up at 11:11am, which is the latest I've ever woken up. I'm procrastinating big time on my summer reading thing, but I'm going to my dad's tomorrow so I can at least start it. This keyboard sucks. The space bar is really loud and whenever I type something with a capital it LOoks LIke THis. >:( Not a very lucky day. There was also that awkward thing on Facebook.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
A bunch of those question things compiled together
1. What are your initials?
ALF :D Alien Life Form
2. What is your favorite thing to wear?
This olive green dress... Theres also a really pretty skirt that I like
3. Last thing you ate?
Honey Yogurt
4. Favorite recording artist?
Lily Allen
5. I say "shotgun," you say?
Wedding XD
6. Last person you hugged?
My stepmom because she was gong back to Taiwan
7. Does anyone you know want to date you?
No one that I know of, but I have my suspicions
8. The last place you went out to dinner?
Cant quite recall... Maybe chinese or something... Teriyaki?
9. Who is your best friend?
Uh... I really don't know. <----- There's my sad life for you
10. Why are you still up?
Because... It's daytime?
Some random crap
1. Ever kissed a brown eyed and brown haired person?
2. Can you see a phone right now?
Yep, not ringing because no one ever calls me except Amanda
3. What are you listening to right now?
4. Where is it coming from?
5. Last thing you ate?
Really good yogurt
6. What was the last thing you saw on TV?
Can't recall
7. Who was the last person other than family you saw?
Does stepfamily count?
8. Are labels/stereotypes good?
They give people the wrong impression, so no.
9. Favorite flavor of lip gloss:
I don't use it... But I really like passion fruit
10. Song stuck in your head?
I used to wonder what friendship could be...
I really wish I could come up with creative titles
'Sup, followers? Fry here. Burpin' eggs. Scratchin' my underarm fungus. Lookin' for love. Send.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Been so busy
My step family is pretty awesome. Except for the fact that my stepmom's kids won't even talk to me except for a "thank you" when I gave them a Harry Potter wand.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Another randumb story!!!
It all started when our predictably heroic hero, Fluttershy, woke up in a magical cornfield. It was the first time it had happened. Feeling abundantly relieved, Fluttershy deflowered a ripened avocado, thinking it would make her feel better (but as usual, it did not). Ever so extemperaneously, she realized that her beloved apples was missing! Immediately she called her undeclared soulmate, Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy had known Pinkie Pie for (plus or minus) 61 years, the majority of which were curious ones. Pinkie Pie was unique. She was plucky though sometimes a little... oafish. Fluttershy called her anyway, for the situation was urgent.
Randumb story generator :D
It all started when our cliche, protagonistic figure, Champagne, woke up in a secret vineyard. It was the fifth time it had happened. Feeling really frustrated, Champagne backhanded a gerbil, thinking it would make her feel better (but as usual, it did not). Before anyone could take off their pants, she realized that her beloved Popsicles was missing! Immediately she called her bed-friend, Karoi. Champagne had known Karoi for (plus or minus) 200,000 years, the majority of which were curious ones. Karoi was unique. She was congenial though sometimes a little... annoying. Champagne called her anyway, for the situation was urgent.
Somethin I got off of someone on FB
001. Full name? Allison Fann
002. Nickname? Alli
003. Single or taken? Single.
003. Single or taken? Single.
004. Zodiac sign? Libra
005. Male or female? Female.
006. Elementary? Rockwell
007. Middle? RJH
008. High? RHS (hopefully)
009. Eye color? Brown -_- How boring
010. Hair color? Mostly brown with blonde, red, purple and blue hairs
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
ABC about me (Geez I'm bored)
B - BIRTHDAY: October 20th
C - CRUSHING ON: Not really a crush...
F - FAVORITE SONGS: Littlest things, Him, Shame For You, You Killed It
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Bears.. They're cuter
Another one of these things to fill out (anyone know where I could find more?)
Name: Allison Fann
2. Age: 13
3.Zodiac sign: Libra (love!!)
4. Male or Female: Female
5. Hair color: Brown, black, blonde, red, purple, blue, I have a head of rainbows...
6. Short or tall: Short
7. Are you ticklish: Yeah, a little
8. Dress or jeans : Hm... Jeans?
9. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be
able to fly what would it be: Uhh... That's a toughie. I think I'd go for flying, theres not much I would do with the money, although it may help...10. How many drugs have you done in the last three days: None!!
HOW ON EARTH DO I ADD A POLL??? This isn't helping, but Rosalyn might know :?
I'm quite excited and sad and yeah because my step family is coming tomorrow. If you didn't already know, my parents are divorced. My dad got remarried to a lady named Viola (And she plays the viola) and she has two sons.
Friday, August 19, 2011
I don't know why
I feel really left out. I'm pretty sure that if I go to Julia's back to school party I'll be all awkward and alone. People always have other people talking about them. Like Rosalyn talking about Kelly and Yeska and Kana and other people. I AM SO PISSED FOR NO REASON AT ALL. THIS RANT COULD BE COMPLETELY USELESS. i FEEL LIKE CRAP.
One comment....
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I am ever so happy!
But still, no one bothers to leave a comment :'(
Anyways, apparently red gorgonzola is gorgonzola that has gone beyond rotten. Entirely inedible. (>.<)
Anyways, apparently red gorgonzola is gorgonzola that has gone beyond rotten. Entirely inedible. (>.<)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Found this, I'm going to fill it out now, except I'm not supposed to answer truthfully
1. Real Name: Lily Dachel
2. Nickname(s): Lil
3. Favorite Color: Teal
4. Male, Female, ETC.: Other
5. First Kiss: Michael Jackson
6. Adventures in NARNIA: Well... I met this doormouse, but it killed my dog.
7. Believe inn Aliens Who Eat Ppls Brains That Ppl Talk About In Ghost Stories: Yes?
8. Cookie Ever Eaten Ur Mother And Pet Rock: This totally isn't being weird
Sunday, August 14, 2011
I went camping at Mt. St. Helens. It was kinda boring, but I caught my first fish at Silver lake. :D And there were some really pretty pictures my dad took that I might post... But I realized how much singers stutter in their songs... "Kiss me, Ki-ki-kiss me" and "I-I-I wanna Go-o-o al the way-ay-ay" and "Tonight we're goin hard hard ha-a-a-ard" -_-o They need some speech therapy.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
One of those fillout thingies with Friendship is Magic characters!!!
Twilight Sparkle:
[] You love to study.
[] You keep a clean room.
[] You're good with books.
[x] You find friends strange.
[] One of your favorite subjects is math.
[x] Your favorite color is Purple.
[] You had hair streaks in your hair.
But I'm not sure if they'll last until I find my camera :3 They're so good! I used the recipe from, but I used 4 different types of chocolate chips. I KNOW! I'LL DRAW A PICTURE!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Found this, I'm going to fill it out now.
1. Full name: Allison Lee Fann
2. Nicknames: Osaka, Alli, Lily
3. Zodiac: Libra
4. Male or female: Female
5. Elementary School: Rockwell :D
6. High School: Redmond High School
7. College: None yet, hopefully some good one
8. Hair color: Dark brown
9. Tall or short: Um.. Mediumish
11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
12. Phone or Camera: Camera
13. Health freak?: Not a freak, it's just nice to eat healthy
14. Orange or Apple: Apples
15. Do you have a girlfriend/ boyfriend?: Nope
16. Eat or Drink: Eat... Fooooooooood....
17. Eye color: Brown
18. Pepsi or Coke: I rarely drink soda
Monday, August 8, 2011
I went biking today. To Bothell. I have no idea how far away it is, but it's at least 5 miles. When we came back, we hung around my friend's house for a while. Some neighbor kids were playing outside and they wanted to say hi. We ran around teasing them, and they fought back as spiders ("tch-tch-tch-tch-tch"). :3 And then we play some variation of hide and seek with one of those horse heads on a stick. Then the horsehead things became guns and swords XD
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Ah, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the best thing on earth. :D The other shows all need to be 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
I need a life
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Don't feel sad
Remember, shit happens, you were the first and ONLY sperm to enter the egg, and you have internet, so don't worry.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Back from Portland!
Nothing much happened. I met up with Willow (Yay!!) and my family and I accidentally went on a hike. EXERCISE!!!! See, Shreenithi? I'm being happy and awesome with my blog. -_-o
Probably gonna go walk later...
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Off to Portland!
To see my friend who moved away in March or April!! I'm bored. My mom's late. Gelatin tastes bad.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Look at my upbeat blog!!
See how happy and awesome this blog is? It's the awesomeist I've ever seen! And I'm perfectly happy with my awesome life! :D :D :D HAPPINESS AND AWESOMENESS ARE A GOOD COMBINATION FOR ME!!!
(Are you happy now, Shreenithi?)
Is it weird that I feel completely worthless?
I mean, if no one wants to talk to me or read my blog, there's no point in really living right now, right? Gah, I'm too bored to think properly. Maybe I'm just too unpopular to have anyone read my blog. No one invites me to anything... Ever. And people just reject me. And ignore me. Even in person. ... Will people think this is a cry for attention? Yes. And it just may be.
This is too much
I'm bored to tears. There's nothing to do and no one to talk to. I'M GOING CRAZY. I CAN'T EVEN GET ON FACEBOOK, GET BORED, LOG OFF OF FACEBOOK, GET BORED, AND LOG BACK ON TO FACEBOOK.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Ugh, Babysitting
So, I babysit these two kids. One, whom I shall call N, is 7. The other, V, is 5. They are both really annoying. N has a really short attention span, playing with her American Girl dolls and her Disney Fairies and eats a ton of food. V spends his time watching Disney movies and laughing obnoxiously loud and screaming while stomping his feet. He won't clean up his trash or put down the toilet lid or put the food containers back in the fridge. He also does insanely stupid things like filling a giant bucket with water that he spills everywhere. They are both insanely spoiled and cry if the other one makes them a little upset.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Well, nothing to do now.
I made this blog. So I guess I did something productive. If you count that as productive. Raw cookie dough is really yummy. And theres nothing to do now so I will draw you guys a picture on paint. :D
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