
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ugh, Babysitting

So, I babysit these two kids. One, whom I shall call N, is 7. The other, V, is 5. They are both really annoying. N has a really short attention span, playing with her American Girl dolls and her Disney Fairies and eats a ton of food. V spends his time watching Disney movies and laughing obnoxiously loud and screaming while stomping his feet. He won't clean up his trash or put down the toilet lid or put the food containers back in the fridge. He also does insanely stupid things like filling a giant bucket with water that he spills everywhere. They are both insanely spoiled and cry if the other one makes them a little upset.

There was one time when I got sick while babysitting them. Their parents wouldn't pick up the phone, so I lay down in one of their beds. N had just gotten a new pack of crayons, which she treasured like gold. V allegedly broke the orange crayon, causing N to start sobbing really loudly. To her, the pack is worthless without an orange crayon. She then proceeded to snap every single one of her crayons in half, not letting V go anywhere near her or her crayons. She screamed at V to get out of the room, which he did. N then started climbing and jumping all over their bunk bed, the same one I was lying on. Luckily, the dad came home and made them shut up.
When we watch movies, they talk a lot. All they do is laugh really loudly, jump, and say spoilers. We watched Tangled today and they were all like "Her hair is going to be cut off in the end and it will turn back to it's normal color, which is brown." and "Theres this really funny part when the guards take Flynn Rider and that guys says 'What's the password?'" -_- They won't shut up. And you can't really understand what V is saying. I understand why my dog bit him.

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