Today, we presented our skits for Spanish. I'm sort of new in this subject, because the last time I learned Spanish, I was in first grade.
I was placed in a group with two male eight graders and one male ninth grader with whom I have not liked at all. He's just... Creepy. Really creepy. Yesterday, I had someone else ask me if he was actually gay. It would fit his personality quite a bit, and it would same many females from his grasp.
Anyways, we would have gotten a good job if the male ninth grader had been of any use in writing the script, but he kept on coming up with the idea of me being the mother and all of us go shopping at "Voldemarts". All of us vetoed it. The skit would also have gone better if one of our members wasn't absent for two days in a row.
With these delays, we finished the script yesterday. When it came time to present, our group members had little to no rehearsal and none of the lines had been memorized. Our skit went a little something like this:
(The whole thing is actually is Spanish. And the bad grammar is on purpose, since we said our lines poorly.)
Me: What time English end?
Them: It end [time]
Creepy 9th grader: No! It end [time]
Them: I like science.
Me: Who teach social study?
(Long pause)
Them: Mr. [name] teach social study.
Creepy 9th grader: Me like Mr. [name].
Them: Mr. [name] funny.
Me: I no like Mr. [name].
Them: [Creepy 9th grader], why you like Mr. [name]?
(Extremely long pause. After a while, he looks at the script.)
Creepy 9th grader: Yes.
(And this is where I facepalmed.)
I ended up receiving a 17 out of 20, which is much better than I expected.The Creepy 9th grader got a 13. More than he deserved, was what the other 8th grader and I agreed on.
Why didn't I take french??? They have a cook lady coming to their class! I wish I could join them... French food is wonderful.
HA we Frenchies RULE! Oui, oui.