
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mexico: Day 1

I went to Mexico today. I'm there right now.

Early this morning, I had to stay up to pack because we were leaving at 3:30 in the morning. I took a short nap before we left though, but it didn't do any good because I was a zombie at the airport.
First we flew to San Francisco and stayed there for about an hour.
Then we flew to Puerto Vallarta.


Seriously. It's a good thing we're staying in a good hotel with air conditioning than some crappy motel with cockroaches and stuff.
People here are really loud and those who regularly have to deal with tourists seem really nice. I keep on being paranoid that we're going to get scammed though, because trust issues with people who seem too nice at first.

I dunno.

We stayed at a Westin resort here. Some person was getting married so people were out in flashy dresses and such.

The beach here has a bunch of pretty shells and the pool isn't bad either. We later went downtown (which was really far away from our hotel) to go to a restaurant. The food was really good but a lot. I'm sure I'll get fatter here. Then my mom started wandering and we ended up on some street with people laughing loudly and people everywhere and lights. My mom ended up going to several stores to find a good fitting bathing suit, but all were either too revealing or expensive.
Then we waited at a bus station for what felt like an hour, trying to find the bus we needed to get back to our hotel. Out of the thirty buses that stopped by, none wre the one we were looking for. It's like the Louvre all over again! Except instead of taking the metro, my mom was being picky about her cab drivers and setteled for the 80 peso one.

Is that thunder outside? Hm.
Pesos are weird, because it's like 400 pesos for one three person meal. Really strange compared to America.
I think I just saw lightning... Gahh! Thunderstorms are better than nothing, I guess.
I'm too lazy to upload pictures.


  1. Your mother is too picky. Sigh.
    We had a thunderstorm too!
    It was really weird, because we went outside and were laying on the picnic table, to look at the stars, and there was thunder and lightning to our right (I don't know which cardinal direction that was, because we couldn't find Ursa Major and thusly the north star...), but above us there was clear, clear skies.

    Also, of course Mexico is hot. What did you expect? It was 114 Fahrenheit in New Mexico when we were there... Which is as close to "Old Mexico" (as Emma calls it) that I got. It seems, in the weather forecast for Puerto Vallarta, THUNDERSTORMS FOREVER!!!!! And it's partly cloudy at this moment with 26 Celsius. Lucky. The temperature is so coooooool. :( We had 37 (98) degrees yesterday, here in Kansas... at 5pm. Sigh...

    Didn't you say laziness will be the demise of the human race? Upload dem pics.
