
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Really bored!!

I've finished all my homework and now I have nothing to do except Reddit and chat and write blog posts.

I just love this picture, don't you?
Not really.

Stare in to those misshapen eyes.

She's going to watch you sleep at night now.

Boredom makes me do weird things, like paint my nails painfully bright colors and then immediately want to take them off. But showers are good. Especially on hot days.
I stood in front of Safeway for an hour and a half, But didn't do anything until we counted the money. And now I have a lot of strawberries. 

Strawberries are good. Blueberries are better.

My dog is so weird. And too long for her bed.


  1. As I said to the picture earlier, yay.

    And why don't you start with Spanish... as I suggested...?

    HI SADIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :D Is she still scared of tall people? :(

  2. Video: DUN DUN DUUUUN!
